Saturday, January 25, 2025

Battle of the Patterns: Arthur (PBS show 1996-2022)

 Have you ever seen the PBS cartoon show, Arthur? My younger kids watched it when it was small, and it was quite popular for a while, with books and toys available in stores. It was actually on PBS until just a couple of years ago, I was surprised to find out.

Since Arthur was popular during the heyday of pony bead creations, I have several different versions of patterns for the main characters. Let's have a little vote to see which ones we like better!


I have Arthur patterns from three places, two of which are defunct. The one on the left is from Evelyn's Bead Page (Arthur). The second is from Danette's Beadie Buddies Bonanza, and the third is from some patterns you could order from Making Friends years ago.

What do you think of them? I made the two on either side first. Then when starting on the middle one, I noticed that she was calling for a different color bead for Arthur's skin/fur(?), and decided to look more closely at images of Arthur, and settled on tan rather than the medium brown I'd been using. I completely disagreed with her idea that his skin/fur was "goldenrod."

Which one of these beadies do you like best? Left, middle, or right? Which skin/fur color do you think is best?


I have DW patterns from the same three sources. From Evelyn's site (DW), Beady Buddies Bonanza, and Making Friends.

They are all pretty similar. Which one do you like best?

Please comment below to let me know!

Additional Patterns

Making Friends had a Baby Kate pattern (above). Evelyn's site (Baby Kate) and the Beady Buddies site also had patterns for Arthur's baby sister, but I didn't make them all.

My site has had a pattern for Muffy, one of their friends. The sample above uses a tan color that is no longer available.

Evelyn's site also has a Buster pattern.

The old Beady Buddies site had the most complete collection of Arthur patterns, featuring Arthur's parents, and friends Binky, Buster, Emily, and Sue Ellen, as well as Pal, Bionic Bunny, Nadine, and Mary Moo Cow.

Is the Beady Buddies collection missing anyone that you enjoyed from the show?

See my Pinterest board for some of these patterns!

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